I just this morning, received word of the passing of a beautiful man. I met him while he and his wife tended to our Aunt in hospice not so long ago. He was a man full of the social graces and etiquette that one does not come across much anymore. His passing, his family’s loss, just as he planned to retire reminds one, yet again, of how fleeting life is. He and his lovely wife guided us through the journey and helped us cope with dementia, exhaustion, the vigil and the passing. All the time, he maintained a loving, reassuring exterior toward us and families on the same path.

One notable memory was his love for his roses and how well tended to they were. He worked hard all day in a very demanding technical environment then came home and pulled another shift assisting his wife with the care of elders. He often tended to his roses during this time too. They were quite beautiful, like him.  Rest in peace Dorin. Thank you for the care you gave.

pink petals, rose, tribute, morning light, macro, photography, SwittersB