I know many of us in this WP ‘family’ come to know that some of us have (are) suffered various traumas in life that have brought us to our knees. I am ever inspired by the courage and tenacity of so many of you…all of you actually. 

Today, I came across Sara Fry at Living Life, Testing Limits. What caught my eye was her solo swim, self supported circumnavigation of Lake Tahoe. Interesting, heroic enough, but then I looked deeper into Sara’s past and there it was again…another courageous, won’t quit person that is meant to inspire those of us that might be treading in place, moving backwards, stalled out, uninspired in self.

Sara of Living Life, Testing Limits

“I’ve decided that while I still have time here on this planet I’m going to follow my dreams. I’m going to LIVE my life. I want to inspire each of you to do what makes you happy.”

Sara Fry has already fulfilled many worthy physical tasks (rehabilitated through cancer and a traumatic brain injury) as well as completed my life long dream, the Pacific Crest Trail. Follow along with Sara’s exploits and become inspired!