Yellow Fish and Henry Gilbey
Yellow Fish and Henry Gilbey

sa_map_fs1I had earlier written about trout fishing in Eastern S.A. and while exploring the fly fishing opportunities in the region, I discovered articles about the Yellowfish. The fish looks like a cross between a Carp, Whitefish, Bass and Dorado. Also, many of the shots at sites, highlighting big Yellowfish, are reminiscent of (no offense) Powerbait/bank bound spin fisherman two steps away from a lawn chair and a cooler (the cooler’s ok) prejudices aside…the fish apparently responds well to a nymph and even a dry sometimes.   Yellowfish move in pods up into riffles and feed on larva/pupa patterns. This shot of Gilbey’s Yellowfish (and his site) are a refreshing contrast to the mudbank bound fishermen holding a dead fish.   

“Once you’ve caught one on a fly you’ll realise why fly fishing for yellowfish is the fastest growing branch of freshwater fishing in South Africa. Why it’s so contagious….Yellowfishing is unquestionably the fastest growing aspect of flyfishing in South Africa at the moment.” 

(Czech Nymph Patterns for Yellowfish)

Yellow Fish Pattern...the Czech Nymph