one-lovely-blog-awardSwittersB & Exploring has received the nomination and accepted the ‘One Lovely Blog Award’. A sincere thanks to Hollie at My Blog Is My Boyfriend. Her stylish, adult wit and wisdom is always a captivating read.

One, I sense from others, is suppose to exude the casual, nonchalant demeanor toward such bothersome happenings as award nominations. And, we all agree life can close in like a fog bank and narrow one’s to do list to only life saving activities. But, frankly, it is nice to be recognized with an award, your visits, your comments, you positive energy. And, that brings me to the ultimate reason I like these awards: it allows one to point toward others that one deems significant. My reasons for choosing a blog may well be different than yours. Actually, there have been many templates over the past few years I have used depending upon my place in life, my mindset, my awareness of something beyond the tip of my nose.

This time my selection template will be grace-charm-love-sacrifice-strength-wisdom. Pretty broad based, but again what I have enjoyed and gained strength from, and you might too.

So without further ramblings from a non-writer type, I will conclude the sequence of requirements. Let’s see, I mentioned a thank you to Hollie. Now I am to offer up 7 things about me, unique from previous offerings. Hmmm? 

1) I retired in January at the age of &% and have been truly enjoying the enormous freedom from budgets, timelines, management, herding, meetings, emails, being on call, travel, sales, marketing, HR issues and resolution, customer relations. In fact I have so far divorced myself from these demands that I often don’t remember the date, but usually the day.

2) Photography is my means of expression. I cannot write poetry or string together a coherent beginning, middle and end for a story. I use the camera to express and often I seek the why’s of what attracted me to the shot. I have difficulty attaching words to images and probably should just let the image speak for itself. Sometimes I do. I never say it, (until now) but often the shots I love most are the least appreciated on the blog. Fascinating.

3) We lost our yellow Lab, Emma Louise, in June. We are all in varying stages of grief. Love those animals. And know that those animals left behind grieve too. Their habits, routines are disrupted yes, but they know and sense the loss. Aren’t I a softy?

4) I love Black & White movies from the 30’s to 50’s. I particularly love Nick and Nora in the Thin Man series. Comedy or Crime Noir, I love them.

5) I wish I could play the guitar and passably sing too. 

6) As a father, I love my four children and they know it. They in turn can tell me they love me. Something I never had as a child.

7) My, those are somewhat somber aren’t they? So in closing on the what’s SwittersB like, I will conclude with I prefer Lagers to Microbrews, a full figure to a skinny one, a beautiful, smiling face regardless, steak medium rare, the desert, the mountains, a river, a lake. And love (needy tonight it appears).


Oh now the time consuming, but most worthy part of this whole process. How to select but a few of the beautiful, inspiring blogs out there. I arrived at these wonderful souls because they practice giving. I will list these in no particular order of importance. They, to me, are all special, magical. I am a better man because of them and so many more loving souls.

Sacred Touches with Natalie Scarberry

Finding Your Middle Ground with Val Boyko

West 517  Inspiring vintage photography

Myas Writes with Margaret Prezioso-Frye

The Gravel Ghost with Merilee Mitchell

Blue Jelly Beans with Giovanna

Sue Bee & Kat Exploring SoCal

The Hopeful Herbalist…Understated Beauty

Tell Me About It with Michelle Marie

Lemanshots with Josephine

Blissful Blog with Shyla Cadogan

Busy Mind Thinking with Belinda

I know some of the above may be awarded out….understood. Do as you see necessary. But, these wonderful, creative souls have massaged my mind and heart of late and I have enjoyed it. There you have it. I didn’t swear…I only alluded to a woman’s physical characteristics twice…and I thoroughly enjoyed putting this together. Thank you Hollie!